Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Jupiter Ascending

I saw Jupiter Ascending several months ago and I'm realizing now that I should've done a post on it at the time. I know some people have said some bad things about it, but I don't know what they thought was so bad about it. I loved it. But first, I should point out that this post will contain a lot of spoilers, so if you haven't seen it, I suggest you don't read it yet. You've been warned. I thought Mila Kunis was great in her role. Mila Kunis (Jupiter Jones) was born to two human parents and relatives, and yet she had the same exact DNA as someone completely not human. Isn't that itself ingenious? I thought it was a very interesting turn of events. Also, the fact that the House of Abrasax could produce immortality at the expense of some many lives. That's a major plot part right there. It starts off with an unethical but highly desirable process going on there. And that has to be addressed in the movie. I thought it was interesting who she turned out to be because it was rather unexpected.
"I love dogs, I've always loved dogs." I liked when she said that.
I thought that Jupiter and Caine's relationship was interesting because she didn't really know the relationships that she shouldn't have given her position, or much about him in general. On the other hand, he knew some about her and knew she was above his position.

Sometimes I think Mila Kunis, in this movie and others with her in it, looks similar to someone I know, but not always. Maybe it's that look she's giving in the above picture.

I thought the ending was interesting too. After all that, she still ends up doing something similar to what she was, only she chooses it and feels good about herself. That is, despite the fact that she's doing all this other stuff during the night and what not which is obviously different than the beginning of the movie.

 I absolutely loved the piece where there was in a hidden facility on Jupiter. I've always thought something was hidden on Jupiter since it's clouds would hide anything and it does have a solid core despite what some people may think about it being entirely made of gas. For all we know, there's an alien civilization on Jupiter that has really dense bones, body and strong muscles to stand the high gravity, and they created the gas or strengthened it or something to keep them selves hidden with their superior technology. For all we know they remotely disabled NASA's cameras so that they wouldn't see anything, then turned it back on when they were done.
This is one of the few, if not the only, scene that had all three siblings in it.
Not knowing much about the siblings was kind of dangerous for Jupiter given all there power, but since they see their mother in her, their relationship with her could reveal their attitude towards Jupiter. Balem kind of a good example. Near the end of his mothers life, he didn't get along with her very well, and argued a lot. He wanted to kill Jupiter because she threatened his wealth and power. However, his relationship wasn't always bad with his mother. She groomed him as her replacement and they got along well. In fact, after a terrible fight in which he killed her, he regretted it later. In all actuality, he killed her because she asked him to. So he had mixed feelings for her over the years.
So that's what I thought about the movie. What did you think about Jupiter Ascending? Tell me what you did or didn't like about it.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Dale! I'm glad you got to see another movie with your favorite actress there. I think one of the most interesting points in this movie is the harvesting. We view pigs and other farm animals as things to be harvested, so it makes sense that a more powerful race would come along and do the same to us. Personally, I would resent that happening to me, but I would able to see why they did it and my life could end in worse, more wasteful ways. :D
