Sunday, March 12, 2017

Divergent, the first movie

I remember where I was the first time I heard about Divergent (the movie). Or maybe it was the second time? Anyways, I was in a bookstore with some friends. I didn't buy any books, I'm more of a movie person than a book person, but my friends did. I don't really read books, but I do, do some reading on blogs and other online reading. I saw a large poster that said Divergent on it. Generally on my horror movie blog, I post pictures of posters of the movie I'm posting about. I don't think I had mentioned that on this blog, so I just wanted to put that out there.
A poster for Divergent.
This movie I actually watched for the first time off of a paid
channel at home, rather than in the theaters. There are some movies that I watch, that I notice have actors or actresses from movies I have previously watched. Divergent wasn't one of them. I don't think I recognized anyone from anything else.
As far as the plot is concerned, I think it was great, I certainly wanted to see the second one. I'm glad that Tris started off living with the Abnegation and then moved over to Dauntless so that it gave me a taste of what multiple of the factions were like early on. There are some trilogies that have "an end" after each movie, while others sort of merge into one giant movie. The difference basically being the difference between the end of each Star Wars movie, and each Lord of the Rings movie. At any rate, I was noting that Divergent had an actually ending to it, when they defeated Jeanine Matthews of Erudite and removed the control she had over all of those people. Throughout the movie there were several scenes that were in people's head, or weren't entirely real. I like things like that in a movie. Below, I posted a picture that shows the 5 factions and their corresponding symbols since I mention them a few time I felt it would be good to be able to reference. I almost had the picture small, but I didn't thing some of the smaller print was entirely legible so I made it bigger.
I decide this picture was good reminder of which factions were which.
Right now I actually have the first the three on DVD. I don't have the last one since it hasn't come out yet. Later I'll probably do a post on at least one more of the movies.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Star Wars: Rogue one

As you know, if you follow my blog, I like to post
posters from the movie I'm blogging about.
I went and saw Rogue One since I'm a big Star Wars fan. I have them all on DVD. I tried not to mention anything that could be a spoiler since some people still haven't seen it yet. When I went and saw it, I absolutely loved it. It was actually surprised when Darth Vader was in it. It made perfect sense, I mean, this was after all right before A New Hope, so he was out there doing the terrible things that he did. But since A New Hope was filmed back in the 70's, I wouldn't have been surprised if it had just not shown him, and mentioned him as a side note. I know right before it came out, there were some people I know that wasn't sure how it was going to come out since it wasn't going to have any of the usual main characters in it, but that wasn't a problem for me. I still enjoyed it. I also love the effects with Grand Moff Tarkin and the younger Princess Leia. I watch a lot of movies, but I hadn't realized that technology had come that far. Especially since I've heard that Tarkin's original actor has been dead for a while now, and yet he appeared in the new movie. That's quite a momentous accomplishment. The end of it, I felt, really played right into the opening of A New Hope. And the showing of some charactors, even if they're some more or less minor ones (with the exclusion of Darth Vader and Princess Leia) added to the continuity between Rogue One and the rest of the movies.

I've got planned that once Episodes VIII and IX have come out, plus the other two movies which I'm not sure what they're going to be about, I'm going to start at Episode I and watch every single one of them in chronological order. Meaning in the order of Episodes I, II, III, Rogue One, Episodes IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and finally IX, which hasn't come out yet. Obviously I'll revise this order depending on where the other two extra movies take place throughout the sagas. I felt like Rogue One turned out for the best, so I look forwards to where the other two movies take place. And I look forwards to seeing Episodes VIII (this year) and IX, but that goes without saying, right?