Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Hunger Games

Most of the time (in my other blog) I'm here to talk about horror movies. Today, I'm here to talk about a not-so-horror movie. (Unless you count the scene with the genetically enhanced bees). Today I'm here to talk about the movie probably most of you have heard of The Hunger Games (Part 1). Obviously The Hunger Games series is on its third movie, but I'm only going to be talking about the first part.
Here's a famous picture that pretty much everyone has seen, whether they watched the movie or not. Ask anyone and they'll recognize this picture.
 Given what I know about the number 13, being bad luck and what it leads to in horror movies, it makes a lot of sense to me that there would be 13 districts. And that the 13th would get destroyed, because, when doesn't something happen to the 13th? That's why in 1408 there is 14 stories to the building, but no 13th floor. A lot of times when I watch a movie, I recognize several actors/actresses or at least one notable actor/actress. A good example of this is actually when I watch Jupiter Ascending, because I recognized Mila Kunis from Black Swan. In the Hunger Games, I didn't recognize any actors/actresses, that I remember. I went and saw it because I heard about how good it was and wanted to see it for myself. It was as good as it was depicted to me. I mean, sure at times I lost track of who had killed who, and who was left alive, but then again, who didn't? I thought that a piece got a little slow and boring in the capital, but it certainly wasn't once they made it to the forest and it was kill or be killed. I don't think there was quite as much done with the sponsor later in the movie as there should of, because it seemed minimal, despite how much emphasis was put on their importance earlier on. In general, I don't know how necessary the sponsors were anyways. Who ever had was going to get killed, would get killed, they just needed to make sure that it wasn't them. It was kill or be killed. It was interesting who Katniss and the other guy were going to kill themselves so there was a winner. Me, I'd be fine with taking my big fat check or whatever and going home as long as they wouldn't pick me again. However, no matter who is ruling, or whatever, there always has got to be someone who doesn't like the system, or wants something better or different. That's the rule, synergy and the like doesn't make a good movie. It leads to boring movies such as, well I can't name any movies off the top of my head like that, but you get the point. I guess I'm just good at picking out movies and never watch anything boring, maybe it's because a good portion of them are horror movies. With all that said, I just wonder what the next parts are going to bring. Will she just go home and them move on to the next Hunger Games? Will something else happen to prevent the next one? Will the next movie take place between now and then?